University of California Botanical Garden Destination Wedding Day

Meet Jen and Alex, everyone! I have known Jen for YEARS (since 2000), when we were both working as archaeologists in Phoenix Arizona. Some of our past colleagues were at their wedding too, so it was a sort of awesome reunion for us! AAAAHHHH how I love California weddings, especially among old friends! They married at University of California's Botanical Gardens and it was glorious. The ceremony was in an amphitheater among the majestic Redwoods on a perfectly warm and sunny October California day. The reception was at the hall within the botanical gardens, which was beautiful too! To get to it, everyone had to walk through the Redwood grove and then the gardens themselves... So beautiful! Jen and Alex are two peas in a pod. They met while excavating in Egypt and have been inseparable and in love ever since. I could not possibly be more happy and excited for the two of them and their life together. It has been a few years since I had seen Jen and it was an honor to s...