A sweet and colorful Abernethy Center (Abigail's Garden) wedding.

Portland's Abernethy Center's Abigail Garden is filled with beautiful light, at sunset. Candice and Narayan's wedding was bright and colorful, in part thanks to her bubbly personality and creativity! We loved the colors used in her wedding and we thank +Luxe Event Production ( Luxe Event Productions ) for the coordination and design. Reverend +Steve Sharp (with A Beautiful Ceremony NW ) did a great job directing Candice and Narayan's ceremony (plus... he's such a great guy!) aaaand Simply Sweets really did a beautiful job on the wedding cake, wow! Take a look at their wedding sneak peek here. Hula-Hoops and all! :) OH! PS: gorgeous make up on all the ladies by +Bri Ellis ( Portland Make-Up and Hair ) :) ** Friends and Family: click on their private gallery link here: http://pictage.com/1291166 so that you can see all of their photos once they are ready! Thank you! **