Skamania Lodge wedding day of Emily and Joel!

This was our very last wedding of our very long 2012 season! Meeting Emily and Joel one year ago, really opened us up to what was sure to be one fun party. Sure enough, it was! I tried to summarize the day with the handful of images below... WHEW! See Mother Of The Groom doing some air-guitar with Joel. See also, everyone doing the Gangnam Style thing that's so huge right now. See Joel and his close dude-friends screaming to a tune while holding a very cooperative little flower girl... aaaahhh yes. This was one epic wedding party! :D Skamania Lodge is one of our favorite venues to date. I used to live in Stevenson WA, so getting back there for a wedding was like going home. The weather pretty much cooperated too! There were bursts of rain here and there (it WAS november 3rd after all!) but for the most part, there were gorgeous clouds and no rain. We had a blast! The two of them are loving, surrounded by close family and friends and just simply wonderful people. ...